Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer free estimates or inspections? We do offer free estimates for roof replacements.

Do I need to be home to get an estimate? You do not need to be home for us to perform and inspection and estimate. All we need is your permission to get up on your roof, make the analysis, take some digital pictures, and video.

Does making an insurance claim affect my insurance rate? Your premium may increase after a claim depends on a variety of factors, including (but not limited too): the type of claim, the extent of the damage, where you live, and your personal claims history.

Does your company have certifications? Yes, we are certified Preferred Contractors with all major manufacturers.

How long has STR8 UP Roofing & Construction been in business? STR8 UP Roofing & Construction was founded in 2009 by Skyler Teague. While the Corporate Office is located in New Castle OK, we have expanded our operations into the great States of Colorado, Texas, Kansas Missouri and Arkansas.

I need a roof but can't afford it all at once. Does STR8 UP Roofing & Construction offer its customer financing? Yes, STR8 UP Roofing & Construction is proud to offer financing options to qualified customers. Please give us a call to gather more information regarding our financing options or visit our Financing page.

I need assisting with the Insurance Claim process. Will STR8 UP Roofing & Construction be able to assist me with : If you’ve experienced damage to your roof, understanding your insurance terms and the accompanying estimate can feel overwhelming. As a homeowner, navigating insurance claims for roofing repairs doesn’t have to be complicated, but it’s important to know what you’re looking at when you receive your insurance estimate. Click here to find out how we can help Working With Your Insurance Company.

If my home is affected by a hailstorm, does this mean my roof will start leaking immediately? After a hailstorm, if your roof is not leaking, you may assume you have no roof hail damage. Did you know that most hail damage does not cause roof leaking right away? Many homeowners think that if there are no roof leaks, then there is no roof hail damage. The truth is that it may take a long time for roof leaks to show up after a hailstorm. Hail impacts the granules and asphalt matting of the shingles most often. If the granules are displaced where the hail has hit your roof, there is now no UV protecting the asphalt matting which will eventually create leaks.

Is your company licensed? Yes, ST8 UP Roofing & Construction is fully licensed.